/afkmessage [Solved as `/afk reason`. That existing is independent of this post]

ArchivesFeature requests → /afkmessage [Solved as `/afk reason`. That existing is independent of this post]


What feature do you want?

A command (I was thinking something like /afkmessage, or /afkmsg, in the abbreviated form) that will set you into the AFK state when you write a specific message. It will work like /alias, however, the usage is different. You will be able to use /afkmsg add <word> and then, if you’ll say ONLY that word/phrase, then you will be set into the AFK state. You will be able to add multiple words/phrases.

^(Example: /afkmsg add brb then I write “brb” and in the chat will be visualized the player’s message + his AFK state)

You will be also able to do: -/afkmsg remove <word> - Removes an afkmessage -/afkmsg list - Lists all the afkmessages

Why do you think it’s a good idea?

Well, there are a lot of people (me included) that likes to say something before being AFK, and this command can simplify the work with just writing a word. Also, if combined with /alias, you will be able to just write a word to send a longer message and getting AFK. That’s good for lazy people like me! :D

Tell me what do you think about this! Of course feel free to propose modifications! :)

Greetings! -Brubri

^(I love text formatting.)

I think it’s a cool idea, however I don’t think many people would use it.
Well, I don’t think that a lot of people use /alias, but it’s still a ^fantastic thing… That’s just an example…
-1 There was a feature already using “afkmessage” as a command and is far more useful; it tells other people such as people who message you why you’re afk as requested here


I was thinking something like /afkmessage, or /afkmsg, in the abbreviated form.

The name I proposed was just an idea. Also for the feature that you described, I think that the correct name should be /afkreason or something like that…

:/ can’t this command be replaced by /alias for commands