List of Lols.

RedstonerEntry requests for /lol → List of Lols.

The appropriate posts are attached to the number for reference. This is the old post.

–=[ SayLol ]=– 000: I made a 1 tick OR gate! 001: It smells like someone sneezed! 002: NEVER EAT SHREDDED WHEAT! 003: ERMAGAWD! is that disco?! :o 004: have you tried turning it off and on again? 005: Hikkup!… Hikkup! 006: I’m not even angry 007: May death rain upon them 008: itz Dico! :o 009: nice banana, bannana! 010: Floyd! 011: Don’t be a dico! 012: RTFM!! 013: DOOM THE DERP! 014: Gunder shot first! 015: Better, Faster, Smaller!! 016: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) TABLE TENNIS! 017: Halloween = Christmas; 31 OCT = 25 DEC 018: Java coders don’t C#! 019: You can use SayLol again in 0 seconds! 020: Disney600! 021: Do an aileron roll! 022: io.netty! 023: You may not rest now, there is a dance off nearby! 024: Sheep Simulator! 025: If my plot gets rotated, would it be a plot twist? 026: WUT? I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER MY CAPS! 027: 3th! 028: + Notch 029: EVERYONE JOIN NOW!!! 030: I’m from PMC, can I have OP plz? 031: Luke, use the (mass * acceleration) ! 032: I’m a stoner! 033: R.I.P. in peace… 034: “It’s been getting better this year” - Dico, 2nd january 2015 035: MOOOO! 036: I’ve got my ion you 037: You’re too fast for Me-sa 038: Ion is like.. he could be my mom. - Dico 039: Minecraft, where the sky is the limit! 040: Don’t show good things to dico, he makes them better 041: Pew pew shots fired ! 042: YAML Ain’t Markup Language 043: /o
044: “How fast are penguins?” “have you ever used linux?” 045: What’s the recommended amount of dedotated wam I should have to a server? 046: shit a sheepcow! 047: °-° 048: /ban list 049: You should have been swallowed! 050: A______Gamer_ 051: Is there a pubic plot? 052: In and out for an hour or so 053: is anyone good at redstone? 054: 3x0= 3 half life 3 confirmed 055: top lel. 056: 1+1=10 057: the kek is a lie 058: Dutchstep! 059: I recommend windows vista! 060: prayz Mesus! \o/ 061: RepeaterJiang on 3 ticks. 062: I borke it! 063: 10 much binary 100 me 064: facedesk 065: Why did Notch implement this bug? 066: Is it definitely plugged in? 067: it’s the smallest possible for its size 068: But what would Bibleman do?! 069: it’s the fastest possible for its speed 070: Blargh internet 071: lol 072: And suddenly, pineapples. 073: Can I have Trusted? 074: It’s basically Lego, but more digital. 075: 10. It’s basically 2, but more digital. 076: Stop! Hammer time! 077: Now offline 25/8! 078: Darude - Sandstone 079: Hide and seek champion “;” since 1958 080: THREADS! 081: Admin me 082: Rub some bacon on it! 083: help! /op isn’t working!! 084: The banhammer has broken! 085: I wanna have pex with you! 086: I can’t evan 087: All your lol are belong to us 088: /suicide list 089: Aaaand it’s messed up. Thanks WE 090: Maybe black misa. 091: 1.21 GIGAWATTS!! 092: This lol is 100% real 093: Fuckin’ Magnets! How do they work?? 094: lag? 095: It’s a UNIX system! I know this! 096: dank nemes 097: Guys let’s make a sextuple piston extender! 098: hulu and hangout! 099: Don’t talk shit about total! 100: don’t fuck with anymore shit! 101: “laser” 102: //sel saves lives 103: I’ve been after my nose my entire life… 104: LOL, LIMEWIRE 105: magic™ 106: Always watching™ 107: SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKA 108: Damn Hacker, back at it again with the unfair bans. 109: I swear to drunk I’m not God! 110: Can I eat that? 111: Hey kids, wanna buy some Java? 112: Real life? Sounds like a terrible server. 113: I can’t hear you, it’s too dark! 114: Why is RAM so slow? Because it has to take the bus. 115: Stop fucking swearing! 116: Is Pepsi okay? 117: Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. 118: I never finish anythi 119: Not a single LOL was given. 120: I ain’t installin’ a cow 121: Error 404: LOL not found. 122: H™L 123: Rest In Penguins 124: Oh Billyyyyyyy! 125: Your ad here! 126: If Mumbo can get 1 million subs, so can you 127: That should be a lol! 128: KICK BAN DEMOTE DDOS 129: Did I just hear some WRONG OPINIONS? 130: Doominati confirmed :o 131: Twice as much? You only said a bit more! 132: Unfortunately, peanut butter. 133: I’m reporting you! 134: logic doesn’t make sense 135: You just went full retard. Never go full retard. 136: Please wait… Attempting to care… 137: According to chemistry, alcohol is a solution! 138: How l’eau can you go? 139: t r i g g e r e d 140: Mom’s spaghetti 141: PYAH 142: On a scale of 1 to 10, what’s your favourite flavour of the alphabet? 143: Can I ask a question? 144: I employ my extensive lexicon to the indubious detriment of others to display my enormous intellect. 145: ~, sweet ~ 146: Behold the field in which I grow my fucks, lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren 147: Just remember…if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off 148: My attitude isn’t bad, it’s just in beta. 149: [“hip”, “hip”] 150: Computers are like air conditioning- they both become useless after you open Windows. 151: What did Earth say to the other planets? “You guys have no life” 152: Farting on an elevator is wrong on so many levels. 153: I’d tell you a joke about Unix, but I don’t have permission. 154: “You’re a unit of power, Harry.” “I’m a watt?” 155: It would make my weeg 156: Deutschland!! 157: Did you just assume my existence? 158: Pool’s closed 159: Y’eauL’eau 160: Don’t trust atoms, they make everything up 161: TCP JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SYNS 162: There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator 163: Cries in Spanish 164: 165: Just make Mexico pay for it. 166: I invented a new word… plagiarism! 167: Wait! Don’t say it! It’s on the tip of my Tuong168: rawr xD 169: Pep, stop sudoing me! 170: My thoughts are pure, my thoughts are MintyFresh. 171: I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate! 172: Leems Segit 173: TRY RESETTING IT FIRST! 174: Microticks are real 175: sudo make me a sandwich 176: My New Year’s resolution is 1920x1080. 177: In Soviet Matrix, the spoon bends you! 178: ^ ac that 179: fuck this, I’m putting a shirt on 180: How do you buy ranks here? [181] ( Floppy disks are like Jesus; they died to become the icon of saving. 182: Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes. 183: <o/ 184: What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care. 185: Toast 186: Funny, but not /lol worthy. 187: Now with 100% more yellow text! 188: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 189: 2b || !2b, that is the question… 190: They’ren’t 191: Why does people not inglish? 192: There are two types of people in this world: those who need closure 193: Covfefe 194: He’s a synner 195: You could make a religion out of this! 196: Who is the owner? 197: A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair. 198: DECEARING EGG 199: corea 200: Needs more jpeg. 201: The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe! 202: A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair. 203: I decided to freeze myself at -275.15 degrees Celsius. My friends think I’m crazy but I’ll be 0K. 204: git: ‘gud’ is not a git command. See ‘git –help’. 205: Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. 206: Can you send me a VPN server? 207: wörk 208: Woah! Is that a 10x10!? 209: “absolutely wicked” -mumbo 2017 210: Common sense isn’t very common 211: Something about subtraction doesn’t add up… 212: BREAKING NEWS: Man spots tree in woods, local UFO pilot confirms sighting 213: After crashing my AMG into a tree, I knew exactly how the Mercedes bends. 214: Salt is a way of life. 215: “What are you gonna do, stab me?” -Stab victim 216: 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 217: Thanks for explaining the word “many” to me, it means a lot. 218: After all these years, the Titanic’s pools are still full! 219: Someone told me I was average, but they were just being mean. 220: To infinity and slightly to the right! 221: YOINK 222: “I never thought I’d see the day” - Man’s first words after becoming blind 223: My girlfriend is like the square root of -100. A solid 10, but also imaginary. 224: I love how the Earth rotates; it really makes my day. 225: no u 226: 19 and 20 got into a fight. 21 227: I am unable to can. 228: Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts make a right, and two Wrights make a plane. 229: Did you know that if you took all the veins from your body and laid them in a straight line, you would die! 230: “Don’t quote me on that” 231: I can only solve five sides of a Rubik’s cube. How do I get the other two? 232: I hate Russian dolls, they’re so full of themselves. 233: //grief 234: I’d tell you a joke about UDP, but you might not get it. 235: I was going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind. 236: How did I get out of Iraq? Iran. 237: I’d tell you a joke about planes, but it would probably go over your head. 238: DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS!!!!!111one 239: GO COMMIT ANKLE SCOOTER 240: btw i use arch 241: It doesn’t work? How about MorE oBsERveRs? 242: HEAL THY BURGERS! 243: “Mojang pushes out a half broken update? So do I!” -Logal, 2019 244: You do not have access to that command.

Deleted lols with speculative numbers^({In order of least recent}): 085: The Pan hammer has borken! 088: I demand lag! Give it to me! 121: oh 123: Woah! Is that a 10x10?! 131: DilDoS 197: I have to go to the store.

This thread is locked.