ShulkerBox drops

RedstonerFeature requests → ShulkerBox drops


Since a lot of machines that use Shulker boxes rely on the fact that pistons can break them, it would be very cool if you added an exception to the doTileDrops (with a plugin, of course). Thank you :D
-1 Stongly. If I am correct and the dotiledrops drop everything in it that WILL cause lots of lag
So you say that one tiledrop is too much nyx? Wow, I don’t think so but ok

dotiledrops drop everything in it

#in it

Why would a shulkerbox drop its contents when mined? That would defeat their entire purpose, wouldn’t it?


If I am correct and the dotiledrops drop everything in it

If I am correct

Logal you derp. The request was to allpw shulker boxes to be dropped when broken with a piston. As they do with doTileDrops true. That means they drop as a box, storing their contents. And nyx derped thinking they behaved like chests. And now you derped and believed him xD
I shall give this a +1.
It was pretty strait forward to me.
so it’s just a chest with nbt data that behaves like a dragon egg -teleportation
Yeah sorry for not having been clear, I’m talking about the vanilla feature where shulker boxes broken by pistons drop as one item with the content inside. As I said, that could allow really cool machines, and I don’t think that it would really impact the entity count, in most machines, the box is immediately picked up by a hopper.
+1 It’s a nice idea :).
+1 @Pepich1851 now do it! Just Do It! xD
I think we have got enough votes, thank you everyone !
Here you have another one +1