Do you even python?

Off topicOther → Do you even python?

Did you sample everything in the medicine cabinet for comparison?

yes I do, you you even HTML?

<!DOCTYPE html>
I can html, (little) python and (soon) ruby.


Pffft scrubs

package mlg.redstoner.forums;

import *;

public class forumPost extends redstonerForums(){

public void main(){

Post post = Post.getPost(4);

if(post == Language.HTML){

ForumsUser user = ForumsUser.getUser(post.getPoster());
user.sendMessage("rekt m8");



@beetcooder waho dawg, i c wat ur nam stand 4 m8 u r epix
ty m9 now letz get teh doritoz
kay maen, i gotz sum in mah pokets
Lol “Parser” tounge

Oh, Yeah I RubixScript!

[Herrow] class soAwesome() { subclass IDC() { var Rub = new.user.getUser(Rubix4Me); var RubixLikingChez = Rub.Knoledge.Liking_Chez(); //Which does = true!

var Fourm = new.fourm.getFourm(); var fourmUsers = Fourm.getUsers(dis);

if(RubixLikingChez == true){ sendMessage(fourmUsers.all)_(“Ohhhhhhhh, i Liek Dem Chez”); }

loop(RubixLikingChez == true){ Rub.doDance(file:Matrix/users/rubix/desktop/dance.rub); } } } [BeiBei/]


SyntaxError: missing ; before statement


     Player = viewer.getPlayer
     Minecraft = viewer.GetInstalledProgramByID("Minecraft")
     Minecraft.say("Well done!")

` <DOCTYPE html!>

Syntax error. There is no error

And Barry dont put JS or CSS in html. Its horrible.

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

Sheep there is no syntax error if there is no code. Sooo, Sheep Practice moar. :0

@nalaek2004 I believe that the <title> goes in the <head> and the rest goes in <body>
Nope. REJECTED! And <head></head> Is for skrubs.
Skrubs who don’t want import any CSS documents for formating.
whatever. I dont put CSS or JS in html. :P
Well it will look crap without any formatting.
I mean like <script> or like that
Whatever. Im bored
get on redstoner. im finding some way to store signals.
@redstone_sheep I tryed…. But it dun wurk :(

it dun wurk :(

Did it look like this?

var foobar = {
  example: "indeed",
  awesome: true
 Thats an Output of:

var foobar = {
  example: "indeed",
  awesome: true

@redstone_sheep cobeblocks borke D: