TSV Schematics

ArchivesFeature requests → TSV Schematics


Request: To give Trusted Survival (Specifically) the ability to use //wand with only the ability to copy and upload a selection as a schematic to redstoner.com

Reason: I want my home and other builds of mine to be saved in a single player world. I know that mods sometimes don’t have time to do the process of selecting a region and making it a schematic.


(p.s. remember, //wand would be safe because, #1 it’s TRUSTED survival, and #2, only the copy and schematic commands would work!)

Minty Edit: Using the other post as the main one as it has more comments.

Yes this is a good idea especially if you want to do SV not on the server anymore but in sv like for a holiday or something

But negatives include that if (essentially the world) is uploaded, then you can easily find dungeons etc

@N7_ Didn’t consider that. Ok scratch that idea, sticking with the //wand one! Thanks for input!