Switching to Yau

Off topicCubing → Switching to Yau

Just yesterday I switched to Yau, but as with any major change you make in cubing, I’m terrible at it :p

So far my Yau PB is 1:00.93, and that was a pretty lucky solve lol

I’m averaging about sub 1:20.00, but I want to know if you guys have any tips for me.

BTW I switched from Hoya to Yau, and I was averaging just barely sub 1:00.00 with Hoya.

Ay Skril! You’re using Yau!

This is a tip for annoying edge cases you may get at the last 8 edges

When you’re looking for the first three cross pieces, go a bit slower so your lookahead will be better and less pauses. But for 8 edges. You can go really fast at it because most of the pieces are easy to track already so no need to go slower at this point!

Also don’t worry about getting slow times at the start. It takes time to get fast at using Yau. But in my opinion, it’s worth it!