(not an entry) List of lols for reconsideration, and lols suitable for an edit or removal
Redstoner → Entry requests for /lol → (not an entry) List of lols for reconsideration, and lols suitable for an edit or removal
If none of the suggested ones are gonna be added, then at least do something with some of the already added ones that I’ve mentioned in that picture.
For example lol #19 desperately needs to be changed.
@BurgerLover1 stfu pls
@N7_ thx, though I didn’t screw up my grammar there, and “slut his throat” is funny, because it was a spelling error - similarly to the classic mistake of typing “cock” instead of “clock” (also, yes, WinRawr xD ftw)
@Logal Is that how you approach everything? If you can’t settle something down, you I’ll just get rid of it?
Sometimes, a lol may be closed unfairly. Staff members change, and sometimes a bad decision is made. Some lols deserve a second chance.
And sometimes, a lol becomes irrelevant, or needs an update - that’s for the solved ones.
@Logal no.
Please just change the way requests are done. If not, just do it as we used to do it, no requests, just add a lol when something funny happens.
+1 for changing this
to this
I checked how toast looks on the SayLol, It’s horrible. It’s not funny looking, it has 0 references ^at ^all and it was even closed. What pisses me off was when someone forcefully added it without any votes from us. Edit: Without any votes for readd (Happy Nyx?)
That’s the problem @YummyRedstone
It’s nothing more then something useless in chat, there’s no reference, and it’s not funny at all. And yet PJ just quickly edited the request to set as solved, even though it was closed.
Just remove it already.
Let’s have a look at the guidelines then, shall we?
Lols are like the splashtexts in the Minecraft titlescreen.
And now, let’s check what is most likely to appear on the titlescreen as a splashtext:
Toast 1% sugar! Deutschland!!! What’s the difference between apathy and ignorance? I don’t know and I don’t care. That’s no moon. Not as cool as spock. Floppy disks are like Jesus. Both died to become the icon of saving.
And? Did you get it right? Here’s the solution:
1 = lol 2 = Splashtext 3 = lol 4 = lol 5 = splashtext 6 = splashtext 7 = lol
If we now look at similarities between them, we see that 4 and 7 don’t even closely match the scheme and also are jokes, which by the request guidelines is already said to be a bad request by default.
Also we notice, that 1, 3 and 2, 5 and 6 have similarities: They are generally short, random and if you’re lucky they’ll come with a reference to something.
Also, let’s look at why it was denied and the accepted afterwards: The lol was voted 1/1 between Logal an Llama, who are the deciding instance in this. The lol was voted 11/5 (70% yes) by the community. Three people then starting ranting about how it confuses them and they don’t get it (fun fact: The point of an entirely random lol is that it’s funny because it’s random and confusing), leading to llama being annoyed by those three people and closing the lol to prevent further discussion.
I then added the lol because more people wanted it than didn’t want it, and the request wasn’t closed due to negative votes but due people being cocky about it until they annoy the highest instance enough to follow their will. Also I expected the upcoming lol purge to eat it anyways so I didn’t care as much.
Yesterday, after one of those people who managed to close the lol by annoying llama went on to randomly rant about me and insult me, complained about the lol, leading to llama deciding that it is in fact a lol now, due to the obviously positive votes.
I’ll happily go turn all future lol requests of you into a mess of confusion, then complain when it gets added after I insult the shit out of you. If that’s the way you want to go, sure. This is no longer a matter of “is that lol funny or not” - no, you turned it into a personal problem yesterday, and that’s what I don’t like.