RedstonerAppeals → TEMPBAN APPEAL


How it went down:

I died because a hoard of zombie pigmen destroyed my butt in a gold farm in the nether.

I simply go back, with nothing on my newly-spawned body and nothing in my inventory.

The problem: I can’t climb up the platform and get my stuff because I have no blocks to bridge over, no elytra, no sword to defend myself, no NOTHING at all, and I’m just watching my items as they are closer and closer to being despawned.

The conflict: I quickly start /msg spamming (you guys have to understand, my elytra was at stake) nemes to help me get my stuff. He FINALLY tpa’s to me, and just sits there watching my stuff despawn. Yes he only had a stone sword, but that’s EASILY enough to defend himself against 3-5 zombies at most, and all he had to do was build a couple blocks to make a bridge to the platform and grab my stuff then quickly go to /tsv…. THAT simple. Yet he doesn’t. And just sits there. Yes I called him a name, but in /msg only and PLEADING with him to get my elytra and EPIC enchanted stuff. Somehow I managed to risk my life and break a few blocks and get to the platform, only to be slaughtered instantly by the zombies.

Nemes, oh nemes. APPEALING TO THE OTHER TRUSTED PLAYERS: You guys would get the stuff for me and I would for you! There’s no reason nemes had to do such a cruel act. Completely un-just. And because I was mad at nemes in /msg, he temp banned me for 1 hour.

The result? Wow, a butthurt Nemes, who would’ve thought.

The only thing I did worth even being /KICK-ed would be slight /msg spam. but that’s excusable seeing as how urgent the current situation was. Even if Nemes was even slightly offended by my anger (which he wasn’t), his 1 hour tempban was completely unjust.


I understand how much it SUCKS having that happen, but honestly. Nemes doesn’t HAVE to help get your stuff back. I seem to understand why Nemes tempbanned and it seems to be justified. Sorry ;-;

Plus it’s just an hour.

I remember something along the lines of this happening before to Pyjama. He got the items back, no problem. I completely understand that Nemes should have simply gotten the items for you (I assume no other staff were on at the time).

On the other hand though, it is not an admin’s job to help the players, it’s to help the server run. What if Nemes was AFK? What if no staff were online? Also, judging by the way @Pepich1851 is cracking down on survival, such as removing teleporting abilities entirely, I don’t think you are in the right for this, especially from now on.

Edit: also, don’t zombie piegmen steal your items?

Well… best of luck recovering your items deeedo (also, the hour’s over lololololololololol)

3-5 zombies at most

I’m sorry, you don’t need armour or a sword to survive that.

@minenash uhm… could you try unplugging and plugging in your grammar again… it needs a restart
Those apparently were zombie pigmen, which are certainly killing you in a group of five versus you alone if you’re not extremely careful. Also it doesn’t matter for the offense. Additionally this has already been closed and the ban has expired so just stay away from this thread now :P