Banned from WorldEdit

RedstonerAppeals → Banned from WorldEdit


Hellu, it’s been a while since I wrote anything in here… So today I decided to redesign my new plot, and to do that I experimented with WorldEdit. Nothing too crazy, just changing percentages of blocks and all that, and it didn’t take me more than 10 minutes. After that, I kept playing and thinking of what to do with the plot, and suddenly the server started lagging a lot. I tried to write a command in chat (I think it was /tell) and it didn’t work, but I thought it was just one plugin not working so I tried it with //pos1. Nothing happened and someone said that relogging would fix it so I left and came back an hour later. To my surprise, I found out I was banned from using WorldEdit, and when I asked they told me it was because I had crashed the server which sounded quite senseless to me regarding what I just told you. I would like to know if you could unban me from that, or at least explain me what I did wrong and how long is this ban going to last xD Sorry to bother you, I’m just very confused.

  • Arminecraft.
After a deeper look in the logs it seems to have been plotme yet again, sorry for the inconvenience :(
Thanks Nemes for taking your time :) I was busy and didn’t see you messaged me, sorry for that. I will still be careful from now when using the WorldEdit plugin, to avoid a situation where it really is my fault xD