TSV //Schem, and //Copy

ArchivesFeature requests → TSV //Schem, and //Copy


Feature idea: Give Trusteds in tsv access to //copy, //schem, and the ability to use a wooden axe as a Wand.

Why its good: I Think this is a good idea because most of us who play TSV put a LOT of work into it, and I think it would be good to be able to copy our builds into CR/TR, and/or save them as schematics.

I Also think its not a good idea to add this into regular SV because some mone-trusted players might use it to search for dungeons/ores.

I Hope ive explained my idea well enough, leave any suggestions in the thread!


no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no if tping isnt even allowed then how the hell did u get this idea -100000000

also this ruins the fun of sv

As I said, ONLY //copy and //schem, NO other commands, just reinforcing what im saying c:
Honestly I really don’t care either way, but it would be nice with large builds. Large builds meaning large farms or big doors/redstone builds. Other than that I would like to have this feature but I think it should be added into normal sv too because only builders have access to w/e.
idk, normal sv might be ok too, but i still think it should be tr only in both worlds, as i think not abusing it would require a high level of trust
I think it’d be a great add-on. And it doesn’t effect survival in the slightest.

You can always ask staff to export your stuff as a schematic or to copy it over.

But I don’t really see any harm that could be done, so why not

Now i think we just need more staff opinions.

==EDIT:== didnt type what i intended earlier lol

Well if you mark it as solved, that would mean that they added it already but they haven’t.
i didnt even post that correctly, i didnt get to edit it earlier because i had to leave anyway, gonna edit now X-D
Yeah, why not, I see no harm.

I see a few problems with this, surprised that they weren’t mentioned at all

  1. I don’t know how you would w/e a selection without having to mine a lot/build up really high which can be risky, but I guess this isn’t really a problem…

  2. How would the wand work? People still need to cut down trees, you know.

You know there is more than one way to cut down a tree, also if you insist people actually use a wooden axe, then we could do //pos1 and 2 instead.

There’s region editing commands like //shift, //expand and //pos1, //pos2 and similars.

Also you can ask staff.

And you can cut down trees with more than just a wooden axe, usually you don’t use wooden tools after five seconds anymore anyways.

I Agree with Minenash, //pos1(2) should be added aswell.
+1 from me. Looks like a good feature to me.
Also “dont give it to nontrusteds cuz they might search caves/ores” who said trusteds wouldnt do that? You never know.

I found a flaw:

People can copy one area from y64 to y0 and paste it into the plots or tr and find ores that way?

Why would a trusted do that? Theyre trusted not to break rules, and such. Also, who would waste their time doing that? that would take forever.
Agreed on the first part, but it doesn’t take much time
Yes, i must agree, “forever” wasn’t a good word to use in that context, as it probably is possible to find ores relatively quickly, but it definitely takes more effort than just digging normally, not using this as any argument, just mentioning it for anyone who’s worrying about it.
Even though only trusteds have it, it doesn’t ruin the chance of someone exploiting it (Am I correct?).
You’re right of course, but i think the chances are much lower if only tr has it.
Clearly people dont understand that it DOES happen even if they are trusted.

According to the Minecraft Wiki:

Diamond ore only appears below Y level 16


There is an average of 3.097 diamond ore per chunk-sized area.

With bedrock up to Y level 5 and therefore 11 layers suitable for diamonds, and the maximum number of blocks you can change with World Edit set at 10201, you can copy around 3.62 chunks worth of stone at diamond level at once, giving you roughly 11 diamonds per copy and paste in theory (probably less in practice). Considering you will then have to go and dig to the diamonds, this is not particularly efficient, but possible.

BUT None of this really matters, because there is a really easy way of catching people for it, a way that you can’t really avoid using this technique: Very conspicuous weirdly shaped tunnels. Any tunnels that randomly go in various directions will raise suspicions. However, this does mean that mods would have to intentionally go looking for these conspicuous weirdly shaped diamond tunnels.

@Shroomyjoe What relevence is this?
My point is that people can abuse world edit, but it wouldn’t be much more efficient than normal mining, and it would be fairly easy to catch them. So, +1 from me.
^ Basically sums up my opinion.
But, the only world edit commands anyone could use were //copy and //schem, so they couldn’t actually edit the world, only save things from it. So if you’re worried about cheating it wouldn’t really be possible.
Done a week or two ago. ==SOLVED==