Doors with prices

RedstonerBuilding → Doors with prices


The idea is to make an inexpensive 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 door. All doors are seamless but not flush. All the redstone components have their prices, based on the raw materials that they are crafted from. Size and speed does not matter. Calculate the total price of all the components of the door(everything including the input and blocks that form the door). Tell me if I have made any calculation mistakes or forgot to include something.


  • You are not allowed to use anything other than the items listed below under “redstone”.
  • The “building blocks” must be opaque, movable and non-slime blocks.
  • The input must be either a button or lever, and must be accessible.

Raw Materials: $1 - cobblestone $1 - wood plank $1 - redstone dust $1 - glass $2 - string $2 - quartz $2 - iron $3 - glowstone block $3 - slime ball $3 - smooth stone

Redstone: $1 - building block $1 - redstone dust $1 - wooden button $1.5 - redstone torch $1.5 - any stair $1.5 - lever $2 - wooden pressure plate $3 - any slab $3 - stone button $6 - stone pressure plate $6 - wooden door $6 - wooden trapdoor $7 - redstone lamp $8 - iron trapdoor $8 - dropper $8 - furnace $10 - piston $10 - observer $10.5 - daylight sensor $12 - iron door $13 - sticky piston $13 - repeater $14 - cauldron $15.5 - dispenser $15.5 - comparator $18 - hopper $19 - detector rail $27 - slimeblock

$1 for redstone dust? What kind of fucked up country does that! Better be a kilo of dust I swear
at least $130 for price with 10 sticky pistons xD