Going back from reversed order of replies are also fucked...

ArchivesWebsite problems & bugs → Going back from reversed order of replies are also fucked...


What I expected

I expected the replies to get reversed “back” after being reversed to all line up from first reply to newest.

What actually happened

Well I can’t really explain it, but it got fucked… filler

Reproducing the bug

  1. Go into any new thread
  2. Reverse the order
  3. Reverse the order “back”
  4. stuff happens


This for example

To @Yummy_ I know that @minenash already reported this on slack, but I thought it would be nice to do it here too :P

Tbh no clue… I’ll do what I can.

From my testing, you don’t even have to hit reverse order at all, for me the steps are.

  1. Go to thread
  2. Be confused
This was fixed. Set to solved.