How To Redstone 101
Redstoner → Building → How To Redstone 101
==SO==, I hear you people askin’ around “How do you redstone?”, “How do you make doors?”,“How do logix?”. And this here is your all purpose, up to date, straightforward, and pansy-friendly guide to this shit: Here we go fuckers. To start, we’re going to learn what this: is.
#Redshit The images above are of redstone, but for the purpose of your education^(tm), it will be referred to here as redshit. To begin, redshit is very simple it can be on: or off: ^(note: Redshit may appear to be closer to a brown when not activated, some will refer to it as “Bloody-Diarrhea Colored Shit”) The most important thing about redshit is that It doesn’t go on forever; as with every other kind of shit, redshit dissipates eventually, and, while this might be nice on the crapper, it causes some problems in real life. As seen here: As it goes, redshit slowly goes from it’s nice, cherry redshit colour to the distinctly GRODY color of the Bloody-Diarrhea Coloured Shit. If you count the lamps conveniently placed for your education^(tm), you will count that it takes^(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) 15 redshit for that shit to lose power and no longer power lamps^(yes idiot, redshit powers lamps). ^(note: redshit does not need to move in a straight line, it can move in several directions as seen belowish) This all being said, the learners reading might ask: “Sckrob, does that mean I can never make redshit go more than 15 blocks?” NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT, Jesus fuck, we have this annoying thing:
#Redshit Extenders For this part, I made^(found on google) a diagram: Unfortunately, this diagram uses dated terminology like “redstone”, but we can work past that. Look back to the diagram after you finish this sentence so you can finish the sentence and know what you’re looking for and then can move directly on to the next sentence and find where it says “redstone in.” Once you fucks have found that, read this: Directly translated, “redstone in” is closest to “redshit mouth.” The redshit mouth is end of the redshit extender that eats the redshit that goes into it. Like so: Once the redshit extender eats the redshit, it poops it out the redshit anus^(seen in the shitty diagram as “redstone out”… idiot) as if it were a fresh redshit: ^(note: redshit extenders* don’t power lamps, no one knows why) ^(note: don’t try to put connect *redshit to the sides of a redshit extender, its fucking dumb, like, trying to eat with and shit out of your armpit. don’t be a dico) ^(note: redshit extenders aren’t instant, they take one tick for the redshit to pass through, much like a normal digestive track.) ^(note: 1 tick is like, a measurement of time, no one knows how long. By my research on the matter, 1 tick is roughly how long it takes if you say “Tick” really really really really really really™ fast) Now, the next obvious question that an aspiring redshitter might ask is of course: “What if on was off?” ==BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU==
#Lit Shit To clarify: the shit is not high it’s luminous™ which, for the dumb fucks like Pepbitch means it glows or emits light or makes things brighterer or shines bright like a diamond And this lit shit is pretty simple, even the pansiest of pansy-ass bitches can figure it out. Here’s a pic: Here’s a close up: and here’s how it works. Pay ==CLOSE== attention you fuckers, I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be repeating myself. I wont be myself. When lit shit is powered (probably by redshit or a redshit extender or even another lit shit), it TURNS OFF WHOLEY SHIT THATS COOL an even better, when it’s not powered: ==IT’S FUCKING LIT== and you can use it TO LIGHT OTHER SHIT GOD. Let me tell you, show this shit to a girl, and you will get laid in a tick*(see note above)^(no the other one))*
Now that you all know the basics, let’s move on to the shit you can DO with redshit. Unlike Futsy, when it’s turned on, it actually does stuff™. We gonna start with the notorious spitters and quitters: These are what we’re working with. It’s important to note^(note: they do the exact same thing, but the spitter actually tries) that they do the exact same thing, but the spitter actually tries. Here’s the skinny: they spit stuff. You can shove anything you want inside them and they spit it. The spitter spits it with passion while the quitter just sort of drops it out of its mouth, like a dropper or something. ^(note: don’t do this over plot boarders, I will punish you like the slut you are. ==Wait, no.== I will Moderate™ you.)
#Hoppers This is a hopper: You probbably won’t see them in the Redstoner Creative World™ Because they have no use that I have found when it comes to redshitting, but everyone seems obsessed with them for some reason.
#Pushers/Clingers ==Coming soon==
Image fixed by PJ
What exactly is this post for?
Here we go fuckers.
I end my case.