
RedstonerEntry requests for /lol → corea


So boomaapje found this flag on Vortexx_Yt’s It’s got a lot of stupid shit written on it, but the best one by far is probably this one:


+1 great post. Amazing quality. We need a big and beautiful post like this.
Good meme +1 Corea is my city
+1 Corea is my city
-1 I don’t think people would understand it and it’s not that funny.
north corea for context? Then you my +1

Who added the “accepted” label lol

Wasnt it always “solved”?

Probably because it hasn’t been added to SayLol yet

That tag was more for feature requests, but whatever.

==Accepted== means it will be added. ==Solved== means added.

I’m not seeing any label, so


This has been open for 6 days now.

Current Score: +1s - 12 -1s - 4

This even had an “Accepted” tag at one point (albeit briefly): link

Can we finally get a decision on this?

Accepted means not added yet, right?