/p deny <player> [reason]
Redstoner → Feature requests → /p deny <player> [reason]
==NOTE: this feature request may look like this (in fact, I had this idea when I saw it) but you’ll see that’s not the same (I personally think that this is better).==
What feature do you want?
The title pretty much explains everything. What I’m asking for is an addition to /p deny player
. Basically, with this feature you will be able to give a reason while denying a player (like when people get kicked/banned) and when that player tries to get into the plot, a message will be displayed in his chat, saying something like Hey! you are denied from this plot! Reason: *displays reason*
(of course if you don’t add any reason, only the first half of the message will be displayed).
^(Example: /p deny * Sorry, this plot is private!
Why do you think it’s a good idea?
Mostly because it should stop people from asking things like “why I can’t enter in your plot???” which gets really annoying after some time. So, basically, I think that this is a good idea because people want to deny players from their plots and they don’t want to be annoyed in chat.
Tell me your opinion about this! :) -Brubri.
Yes, seems very useful actually +1
Edit: also, +1 to @minenash and his markdown skills
denied then the msg should be Sorry this plot of private
/p remove <player> [reason]
becuz ppl would ask “Why TF do u remove” and it could show like STUPID FUCKIN SPAMER