What text editor do you guys use for coding?

Off topicProgramming → What text editor do you guys use for coding?

I like using atom and sublime text what about you guys?

VS is not a text editor. VS is an IDE.

As for a text editor I think literally the native text editor is quite fine. As for IDE, depends on the language:

Emacs for quick and dirty C Arduino IDE for quick and dirty Arduino C++ Atmel AVR Studio for proper C dev for AVRs VS Code for quick edits to simple language things or scripts, such as python, shell scripts or e.g. json files. VS Community (formerly VS Express) for asp.net (C#) based webdev Eclipse for Java

Also it depends on the environment what my normal text editor is:

Stoner: Nano Stoner VM: Emacs/Nano (nano for configs, emacs for C) Mac: Emacs Mac (windows): Editor (that inbuilt shit. Yes.) Windows computer: Notepad++ (it does have some nice features) Raspberry pi: Emacs


Vim is an amazing text editor. You should use it. Although you may be unprepared for and unworthy of it’s glory, vim is the most amazing software to ever exist.


Obviously VIM.

@Yummy_ can I be forgiven for calling you DNF yet


Still trying to get used to it

Eclipse for Java IntelJ Idea for Dart

Eclipse for java, I believe it’s called LimeEditor or smth for html

==edit: sublime lol==

I have Sublime Text, Atom, Notepad ++ and Vim.

I use Sublime Text and Vim most of the times.