A quick change to damnspam

RedstonerFeature requests → A quick change to damnspam

Just a quick change that in my opinion would be much nicer, for everyone that is always holding down right click when a lever is DamnSpammed™ or some other input, is that instead of showing how much time is left till the level time expires and spamming the chat is to just have it show up in the action bar.

PacketPlayOutChat packet = new PacketPlayOutChat(ChatSerializer.a("{\"text\":\"" + text + "\"}"), (byte) 2); ((CraftPlayer)player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); It shouldn’t be much of a hastle to change this.

I was about to create a new thread, but I hope it’s OK if I post this here, cuz it’s also addition to DS.. hah

I was thinking about a way to make levers/buttons for certain people/ranks only - like a lock. Why it’s good? Well, I know you can just make a delay for it and it wont be spammed, but sometimes you may forget to do it, and I’m sure Builder+ people are smart enough not to spam other people’s creations.

(Maybe a stupid and hard thing to do, but meh)

I like this, and support it, however it would add more to the updating process.

I plan to add an API for the action bar.

API coded, will tell Pep to use it. BTW since 1.9.2 you could do _player_.spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR, _message_); (Therefor is not version based) The API just makes ActionBar.send(_player_, "&aThis &l&ois &ea test" replace,

TextComponent com = new TextComponent("this");

TextComponent comE1 = new TextComponent("is");
TextComponent comE2 = new TextComponent("a test");



_player_.spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR, com);

MintyEdit: Will be solved when the server updates to use the almost-done ModuleLoader v4.

MintyEdit: I could of just done this in 7 lines of code instead of 114. I forgot that § changes the color, so all I had to do was replace & with § Sigh There goes a few hours of my life.