Mine and Cubby223friends apology
Redstoner → Other → Mine and Cubby223friends apology
Dear Dico and any other Redstoner admins,
Myself (jumpingjackm123) and Supbscripter would like to apologize for our actions were going to tell the whole story from the start from both of our pov’s. Anything we have said that may have been deemed as offensive towards the staff we are truly sorry and wish to be forgiven.
Just to clarify cubby223friend is supbscripter and no one is anyones brother.
It all started with my account called cubby223friend. I found a nice server called redstoner through a youtuber called DicoTheRedstoner. When I joined the server I settled in and then I told my friend jumpingjackm123 and we played on the serve for a bit and continued fine. Then school started again and I met foggydog3799 and introduced him to redstoner. (This where things went downhill)
Foggy introduced me to a guy called kotonatn,who REALLY likes to hack foggy and ddos me… one day foggy was being hacked (Not sure if hes lieing yet either way we’re assuming its real) on redstoner and I jumped on to try to help. Me being the idiot I am I decided it would be an awesome idea to put the caps lock button on YAY… I started typing in chat things like “Foggys being hacked do something!” yet none of the staff did much so I continued saying things. Until my best friend Yop came online and sorted things out! (No sarcasm he sorted things out. Things being generally me…)
He started managing the server and kicked me and I got a little bit mad and started screaming even more down the chat. Soon the admins/mods came online and refused to check ip’s. I created a request in the new features going somewhere along the lines of: “GET BETTER FUCKING ADMINS THERE FUCKING SHITTY.. MY FRIEND GOT FUCKING HACKED AND THEY DID JACKSHIT FUCKING SHIT ADMINS GET BETTER ONES OH AND BTW ONLY DICO THE REDSTONER CAN READ THIS AS HE KNOWS HOW TO RUN HIS SERVER NOT YOURS” ( http://redstoner.com/forums/threads/296-decent-mods-admins ) So yea I was pretty mad and I apologise for all I said along that request (It’s removed now) Then there was a discussion where I sent screenshots of admins being “lazy” and they kept saying it was ridiculous and they were probably right now that I think about it.
later on they finally checked ip’s but they were the same either proving foggy was ip spoofed or it was a giant troll. I eventually got banned and I was peed of to say the least but so was foggy and jumpingjackm123 still untouched.
I then created a ban appeal riddled with swears and other stuff.. and the same happend screenshots, anger and not getting anywhere. Mothership and I then made a deal that I had a chance of being unbanned if I remade a ban appeal nicer and if it was like super good and I persuaded them that I should be unbanned I would be unbanned. So I did that but as you would suspect I didn’t get unbanned. Foggy however did get unbanned but later asked for a ban and then asked for an unban as his problems were solved but you guys decided a choice ban shouldn’t have a choice unban.
Not long after I joined the server with my alt account (which I bought to play on the server) and started playing normally. I created a new identity but the staff where way too smart for me and immediately saw through the plan and banned me almost instantaneously. I then created a ban appeal on my new forum account called Supbscripter and it went a little like this : “Hi, I recently got back from holiday after my brother sent me some texts saying he found an awesome server and that I should check it out. So I was pretty excited a couple days later he sent me some texts saying he was banned after an abusive admin banned him. I then joined the server only to recieve a ban?” Comments went back and forth and I eventually got unbanned through youtube where I talked to Dico and he kindly unbanned me… I regret this and really wished he hadn’t unbanned me and I wasn’t so stupid.
After playing for a while foggy introduced us to a little command called /talk on his server. jack and I both having op we had a little /talk wars and created proof that each other did things that we didn’t actually say we did. /talk was used to say that jack wanked to jenny matrix and wanted to hack redstoner and /talk was used to say that I was cubby223friend.
Later on Foggy had a falling out with jack and posted a video humiliating jack using the /talk images and then jack got annoyed and posted the image of “me” saying I was cubby223friend at this point I tried to log onto redstoner and I was banned for abusing kindness and I finally reached the point where the ban was final although I didn’t know that at the time and posted this: “Supbscripter Permaban “Liar, dont abuse my kindness” I didnt do anything wrong 1 I did nothing 2 you probs banned me because you thought I was cubby either way my friend said some reasoning was my youtube was supbscripter BUT I used youtube to appeal because only dico ended up listening 3 I got this account so I could play minecraft as me not as my brother :/ NOT For cubby to go on here, he doesn’t know my password theres no way this could be an alt account, ALSO cubby quit minecraft so if he did find my password he wouldn’t play.”
Next up foggy and I told the story about /talk. Had a massive talk with Yop and then finally they dismissed it and Dico said sorry for not noticing the fake but I just want to say sorry for making you need to even read every single ban appeal I’ve made. Foggy and I also used COMPLETELY fake screenshots using /talk to prove that jack used fake evidence but we assure you he did use fake evidence and even he will say so. He got banned foggy still banned and I was too. Also, foggy to this day still complains about being hacked and its really showing that he probably isn’t as every time he gets hacked or uses it as an excuse it always benefits the situation
Jumping Jack’s POV:
I was a witness all of this and i think what Cubby said does this justice I wanted this to end because 99% of what i saw was arguing, so in the time foggy was banned I posted a screenshot using /talk of supbscripter saying “I am cubby223friend” resulting in the ban of Supbscripter, this was resolved in the ban appeal of supbscripter called “Banned for abusing kindness” ( http://redstoner.com/forums/threads/382-closed-banned-for-abusing-kindness ) , after this happend All three of us were banned therefore the arguments moved from redstoner, as a side note jack stopped arguing (I have not posted a ban appeal because i DID post a fake screenshot) I think that is all of the things WE have to say.
@Dico200 @yop_tropix @eniallator @Mothership_Q
I’m at school right now, so I’ll make this very quick, and try to expand my post a bit later.
We banned cubby for disrespectful behavior regarding staff and other players on the server.
Cubby is an alt of supbscripter, and fell under the conditions of the IP ban.
That was the reason for the bans of both supbscripter and cubby223friend.
Now, when ban appeals came along, foggydog posted a spoofed screenshot. In return, jack and supbscripter posted a doctored screenshot as well.
By the very concept of lying to further yourself/damage the reputation of others, foggydog and jack were both banned for violating terms of trust and honor we require on our server and forums.
So there you have it, four bans, all with a valid reason.
I’m fairly certain this issue was laid to rest a month ago, but regardless, the staff and I accept your apology.
Hopefully you learn a lesson or two about how you’re should act in the company of others.
As Mother said, we accept your apology.
#Things that disturb me:
Jumping Jack’s POV: […] as a side note jack stopped arguing
What, why third person?
Until my best friend Yop came online
@Foggydog3799 he is banned on his “Supbscripter” account.
Thank you guys again for coming forward and apologizing.
Closed and Locked.
also I take it you accept the apology?
Of course! :p (Sorry for posting after lock)