Classifying Funnel and Vault doors

RedstonerCommunity vote → Classifying Funnel and Vault doors

Ok, since people don’t know how to be mature and talk to figure out a problem in game, I am making this thread. Lately, there has been some disagreement as to how to classify the doors that funnel inwards. We need to set a definite name for these doors. Please share what you believe the definition of a Vault Door is compared to a Funnel so that we can stop arguing over nonsensical topics.

A funnel is… well, a funnel

while a vault is ==a double sided funnel, similar to a single funnel but it is still different==

Funnel is where each layer inwards is indented back one block, Vault is double sided so no pistons are showing from either side of the door.

Ima just point out a vault = doubled sided funnel = a modified funnel, its still a funnel female dog

for example: A modified version of mc (crazycraft, cheatbreaker, FTB, ect) are still mc they are just modified

Okay. So a funnel is just that: a funnel. A vault is a funnel but with a mirror image of the outer layer on the other side of the door. But why not call it a “double funnel”? Well. Imagine you took two funnels and fused them together, but they share one pipe (the thin bottom part). Would that be two funnels (double)? No. It would be a sort of Siamese funnel. Which is it two funnels. Another example. You take a funnel door and double it. Hence, double funnel. Well, now you have two doors, instead of a vault door which simply has blocks on the other side.

Final example. You can’t just call Siamese twins two humans (double) because they share some organs. Depending on the person/people (idk) they might share a brain, heart, or other organ. Same logic applies to funnel doors and vault doors. You can’t double the door because that would be two doors. No. You need to add only part of a door to the other side, which means it should have a completely different name.

because the whole community can decide @Nyxify

idk I didnt like it blame 549

#I said not 2 thanks

it’s a better idea to bring it to the forums than leave it flooding up the in game chat
then why say anything in the first place nyx?

Krazy if you flip a vault door u and copy it u end up with a vault

but its fat af

He didn’t understand at first, is that a problem?
@IqUiKDrop No, you do not. A vault door has only a 1-block wide center.
dwem said “Vault is double sided so no pistons are showing from either side of the door.” u just have to hide the pistons so 2 wide block center doesnt matter
Having the pistons not visible isn’t the point its having the door closed on both sides
Maybe someone should make something like a “Door Nomenclature Guide” in the building section

Funnel = 1 sided funnel door where the center 1x1/2x2 block(s) is/are the furthest back and the other blocks form rings around it/them coming forwards from the center.

Vault = 2 sided funnel door where the center 1x1/2x2 block(s) is/are shared between what is effectively the front and the back funnel door.

Therefore taking a funnel door and pasting it behind itself isn’t a vault door as they don’t share the center block(s)

Funnel: Funnels inward to a single block. Vault: Funnels inward to a 2x2 area of blocks.

I’m sorry but what @superminerVJ

I’ve never heard that ever

iQuikDrop, this happened because of your major disagreement.

Like I mentioned in chat before you made the thread, I have seen single-sided funnels called funnel as well as vault, and not seen a difference between the two at any point. I like double funnel for the double-sided version.

Edit: Since most people don’t know a difference, especially on youtube where not everybody has even made doors, I would never use “vault door” in a title to signify that it’s a double-sided funnel door.