"/msg <name> <name>"

ArchivesProblems & bugs → "/msg <name> <name>"


Whenever you type “/msg ” (for example “/msg 3daniel 3daniel”) it sends someone else “sg ”, instead of sending “”.

EDIT: Whenever you type “/msg [name] [name]” (for example “/msg 3daniel 3daniel”) it sends someone else “sg [name] [name]”, instead of sending [name] “[name]”.

I do not understand what you mean. Can you provide screenshots of what has happened, or the exact commands run encased by == on either side to highlight them?

Highlighting: ==/msg this is a command== Screenshots: Use puush/imgur to share the screenshots and link them or send them to me via slack please

@Pepich1851 this is one of the weirdest most unexplained bugs I’ve seen on here so far. lo

I assume it’s something to do with the module loader, unsure though.

@Nemes fix cmdmanager alias pls :)

I can explain why it happens when I’m home.

oh, sorry, the post got really messed up since I used “<>” in it. the original post is this (with []s instead of <>s):

Whenever you type “/msg [name] [name]” (for example “/msg 3daniel 3daniel”) it sends someone else “sg [name] [name]”, instead of sending [name] “[name]”.

You can escape special chars by using a backslash \ - simply put it in front of your special character: \<like this\>