A New Nickname

RedstonerOther → A New Nickname


For a while now, I’ve had the same boring nickname “Aqua”.

I’ve been wanting to change it and I can’t decide which name to use.

That’s where you guys come in. I want you guys to help me pick which one to use.

Poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/13752179

Thank you!

Edit: If you have other suggestions, I’ll be glad to hear them! :) Edit 2: Voting ends at 8pm on Friday, August 25.

P.S. AquiEstoy means “Here I am” in Spanish

Just change your full nick to Aqua, or something like Turquoise, haha. AquaBlue or Aquamarine seems nice as well.


I’m sorry ######i did vote tho

Aquifer :S

Nah, just stick with Aqua. That’s what I voted for.

Aquifer or just stay with Aqua, I like Aquifer c: