list of all the random items ive juggled

Off topicOther → list of all the random items ive juggled


Recently I made a small hobby of just juggling random objects, Mostly 3 objects with 2 hands, OH means 2 objects 1 hand.


Soup cans Bags of peanuts Apple sauce containers Sticks of butter (OH) Mint tins Pinecones Peanut butter cups Alphabet blocks Rubik’s cubes Hand excercisers Rubik’s clocks Bread rolls Apples Rocks Decorative wooden eggs Plums Kiwis

The only thing I can relate to is rubik’s cubes. R.I.P 2x2

ik im not funny im not tryina be ok

kinda depressing that i can juggle clubs, and rings, still cant do 4 balls yet though
Its not physically possible for me to juggle more than 2 things
Next up are knifes or flaming stuff
well the point of this showcase is just focused on stuff that isn’t normally used for juggling, otherwise i would have included Beanbags, Clubs, and Rings in the list