Tab Completion For /warp

RedstonerFeature requests → Tab Completion For /warp

What feature do you want: “/warp” should be able to Tab complete available warps

Why do you think its a good idea So people can press Tab to cycle through available warps

There’s a couple problems with this. One, that’s an essentials command, therefore we would have to write a module to override the command, and migrate the data. Two, as far as I know, using our own CommandManager & ModuleLoader, we can not do Tab-Completion at all.

I won’t say it won’t happen, as we are (very) slowly replacing Essentials with our own modules. However I do +1 to the idea of adding Tab-Completion abilities to the CommandManager.

I recently made my own command manager which doesn’t require reading some form of custom code to define the basic information of a command… and it supports a whole lot more (including tab completion) It’s kinda large though :D and WIP
Dico, Are you refering to Dicore? If not can, you put the code on GitHub. Also can you show an example of code on how you would give Command Manager info on how it wants to be structured? As the only other way I can think of (except for a getCommandInfo() methoud), is to have a @Command(stuff) annotaion, and if that’s the case, then I would way rather stick to the .cmd structure we have in Nemes’s Version.