better /p h

ArchivesFeature requests → better /p h


What feature do you want: when an alt does /p h, they should be teleported to their main’s plot

Why do you think its a good idea: It would make it easier to teleport to your main’s plot especially when your main’s player name is long or your main isn’t online

Instead of /p h, /p mp?
My idea is that when you use /p h on your alt, it takes you to your main account’s plot
+0.5 Pros: Very convienint for people with a lot of alts which are lazy to change around accs Cons: It might be tedious to have to link up your main to your alt if they decide not to base it on ip if this gets accepted.
ya, thanks for the +1
-1, just use your main account or do /p h _main_
Why are you requesting this when your alt is banned…?
Well if using your alt is annoying, then just don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯