tiny 5x6 seamless piston door

RedstonerBuilding → tiny 5x6 seamless piston door

Where did this come from? I had the idea for this about 2 years ago, taking a 5x6(which was bigger than the tiny 8x8, which is 12x9x22) and turning it into a setup size one.

What is this? who built it? This was built by me without much help except maybe layout reseting. where is it? To see this door, do /p h:1 BPhineas or /p h BPhineas and then fly up a bit until you find a 5x6, it is the only one on either of my plots. size? The size of this door is 10x7x17, for a total volume or 1190 blocks. speed? It takes 4 seconds to close and 12 seconds to open, and set the damnspam on it accordingly. it has a weird thing in the fact that most of the top is empty, due to the extremely small quad and other things, I’m sure I could compact this a bit further.

here’s a screenshot for you guys.

What’s next? I am doing a 12x12 full flush nether portal next.(finished it)

I can’t figure out how to do any of that stuff.