Command Blocks

ArchivesFeature requests → Command Blocks


What feature do you want: Command Blocks that have a GUI which can be used to specify one out of many commands that can be used.

Why do you think its a good idea So players can create stuff with it without the hassle of writing the command manually, as well as not be able to hack the server with since it has a GUI with only ==SOME== commands that can be used.

@DaichiCZ every command in vanilla can be used to break the server, -1 ######I know that cause I do commands

I know it’s closed, but here’s another reason. In 1.12+ you can now loop Command blocks. To avoid this crashing the server, mc puts a limit. However, it can take awhile to get to it, so it can still lag the server quite a bit.

But that’s if we let normal Command blocks in. I like the ability to “do Command” via Redstone in general. What I suggest is instead of having “some commands”, what if we make our own commands. Example: activate x y z would set a Redstone block at xyz, as long as that location is in the plot the block is in. The max speed would be reduced to 10 times a second, and would not be able to be chained. I could look into this. Basically the worst someone can do, is make a 10 times a second clock, which you can do with redstone already.