Random 500 - Jomo malfunction on home page, or online page?....

ArchivesWebsite problems & bugs → Random 500 - Jomo malfunction on home page, or online page?....


What I expected

To go to my favourite forum on the redstoner.com site!

What actually happened

I got goddamned jomo 500’d after waiting a long time for the page to load.

Error message

500 - jomo malfunction

Reproducing the bug

Not sure. :/



Additional details

I tried reloading the page a view times with no other results, for me the problem fixed itself but when I got back I was logged out.

Time was 19:49 CEST, day of post.
It could’ve been that your browser autocompleted the URL to point to the “Who’s playing” document while the server was down - currently this results in a jomo500. You could check your history with the time you provided to confirm that it was or was not the actual “home” page? :)
If the bug isn’t reproducible, I’d say it’s probably an autocomplete issue.


Sadly, I’ve been to both URL’s afterwards so I can no longer find when I went to it at that day (I’m using safari). It might have been ./online but as logan says I assume that wouldn’t take so long to search for the online.json. Even if so, the logged out from the site part would still be unexplained. (I remember getting on the site via “redstoner.com”)


Thank you, D0an.

I have a suspicion regarding mysql which i will look into when I got access to my computer again. There’s a few logs I gotta search but I’ll see if I can’t get a hint