Rare Saylols

ArchivesFeature requests → Rare Saylols


Tiers for saylols based on rarity. One super rare lol could be 1/1000 chance.
+1 Also maybe if a few could only show up if you /lol id’d them
+1, but Doom, why? D:
I think this is a nice idea, but would only really work with a much larger list of lols. Frequently recurring lols just by chance is already not too uncommon.
I liked the idea, however lols are already repeative sometimes, making some rare, would make the others more repeative.
+0, I like it but i think it’s to repetetive. Also which lol’s would be considered rare
-1. The /lol randomization system already sucks as it is, so I don’t think this would make anything better.