Ingles en el chat principal, por favor.
Redstoner → Entry requests for /lol → Ingles en el chat principal, por favor.
I swear, if you deny this one…
‘Ingles en el chat principal, por favor’ is Spanish for ‘English in main chat, please.’
Why, Nyx? Why?
- most of the audience here does not understand or have spanish as one of their mother tongues
- we already have too many rule related lols
- votes don’t even matter it’s just public opinion, pj or logal will add or remove lols as they please
-1 I swear, lol requests have become so shit recently…
@Nyxify bitter much? Votes do matter, but this request is definitely shit.
@PyjamaL1ama what? he just asked for explanation
Oshit gratz @Logal (ik necropost but shush)
This thread is locked.