
RedstonerAppeals → APthree


Type of ban / demotion


Ban/Demotion reason

Reason you were told or message shown when you’re disconnected from the server “For reals now”

What I have done wrong

Ok so. I found out that I could do colours in chat? (I’m only builder) and I thought it was because I was a donator or something, and I kept doing formatting in chat, and Pep kicked me and I stopped doing it. When I came back on I was just talking normally and in one of my messages I said “redstoner” and I have an alias that makes when I say “red” it goes to “&4red” in /msg (you can format in msg) and it did it in chat… pep might have thought I did it myself and it wasn’t alias and he perm banned me.

Why I should be unbanned / re-promoted

I think I should be unbanned because it wasn’t me who did the colours again, it was my alias that I forgot to remove and it made “red” go red in chat.

Type of ban / demotion

Permenant ==It’s a one day temporary ban, not a permanent ban.==

Ban/Demotion reason

Reason you were told or message shown when you’re disconnected from the server “For reals now” What I have done wrong

Ok so. I found out that I could do colours in chat? (I’m only builder) and I thought it was I was a donator or something, and I kept doing formatting in chat, and Pep kicked me and I stopped doing it. When I came back on I was just talking normally and in one of my messages I said “redstoner” and I have an alias that makes when I say “red” it goes to “&4red” in /msg (you can format in msg) and it did it in chat… pep might have thought I did it myself and it wasn’t alias and he perm banned me. ==I banned you for one day. Not permanentely. You had a “permanent” ban before (which you called a kick) to scare you, so that you would stop doing it. That also explains the “weird reason”.==

Why I should be unbanned / re-promoted

I think I should be unbanned because it wasn’t me who did the colours again, it was my alias that I forgot to remove and it made “red” go red in chat.

==If you set up a trap that kills people, but then you realise that that’s a bad idea to kill people, however someone accidentally steps into your trap - are you innocent?==

It doesn’t say 1 day on my screen.. https://gyazo.com/e42622c577ed92c4eb0bce925cbea8a9

And I completely forgot I even had that alias


We added the time to the forums because with minecraft 1.12.1 the ban format changed, but essentials hasn’t adapted to including the time in the reason yet.

If you completely forget that you put down a bear trap in your basement, does that make you innocent?

The trap that kills people is a bit of an extreme example in comparison to forgetting that I had an alias that would make 3 letters red (yes, I already was using formatting too much, but then I agreed to stop)
I just don’t think I should have been banned for my alias that made 3 letters red after I agreed to stop and the alias thing was an accident (even though I should have remembered to remove it) and I know I can’t control what the admins do but in my opinion that’s a bit harsh

Pep I think the analogy you’re looking for is the Saw franchise.

I agree with Pep in that you were the one who made the alias, and you were the one who used it. It’s a one day ban, not permanent, so it has about a 2% chance of being removed. Accept it and come back tomorrow.

People may still have something to say, so I won’t close it, but I would urge him to.

I agree that the alias was my fault. And ok. I will accept it, I just really didn’t want to have a bad reputation on redstoner that’s all, guess the chances of that are 0% now so I give up