being able to have bold italic and underlined text for builders

ArchivesFeature requests → being able to have bold italic and underlined text for builders


so just like in the forums we have bold italic and underline i suggest making either a alias for them using **** for bold and ** for italic and __ for underline. aka what we have here but then in general chat. kcya
I have to say I’m neutral on this one… On one hand it is nice to have bold underline and italic (and assumingly &r for resetting), ant then there are people like edtulane who will most likely abuse them for caps and stuff :/
Simply add a rule to not abuse it. (Count it as spam)
Can you give me one good reason to give builders this (other than that you have it on the website)?
I’ve had plenty of moments that i wanted to make some parts of a sentence bold. Besides it comes in handy when your trying to point out stuff that are important
&l is bold, &o is italics, and &n is underline.
We (as builders) dont have that.

Sorry, I forgot. I’m just an idiot.

Since I have a brain now, I’m going to say -1.

You didn’t give me a good reason, so -1
Trusted rank is called trusted for a reason, -1
-1, because of above ^ I think this feature only being Trusted+ gives an incentive to be active and stuff.