Rachelic22 advertising and nalaek2004 harassing

RedstonerBlames → Rachelic22 advertising and nalaek2004 harassing



Full username of the player you are reporting (Rachelic22 and nalaek2004)


what happened exactly (Rachelic22 was advertising and nalaek2004 was harassing me)

Failed attempts

What have you tried before posting (I told both of them not to do so)


One link for both screenshots of both occurrences

The date and time MUST be given in UTC time and MUST follow the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM

In future, do it in UTC time as it makes staff’s lives easier

I’ll deal with this accordingly when I’m on tomorrow. Sorry for the late reply.
Could you repost the original links for the images? The new ones in your post leave out a large piece of the chat.