For anyone who's been out of the loop: Rubik's lawsuit against

Off topicCubing → For anyone who's been out of the loop: Rubik's lawsuit against


The entire community would appreciate donations, even though most of us are just kids (and I’m not, though I’m broke af):

Rubik’s are so salty, this is really quite pathetic of them.
Rubik’s CEO:Hmm we can’t make good speedcubes so we’re not making much money Employee: I know! Lets make it so people can only buy our cubes! Rubik’s CEO: Perfect. sues companies
if rubik’s wants to make profit, they need to start making better speedcubes because their “fast” 3x3 is pathetic. really annoyed to see that they did this ;-;
I’ll do my best to buy that shirt xD
I’m gonna donate 1000 USD when I can