
ArchivesFeature requests → /minecart


What feature I want: /minecart which spawns a Minecart with chest at your feet.

Why I think it’s a good idea: Minecarts are occasionally used in redstone and in order to place one you have to break things, get rails and the chest minecart in your inventory and then replace then blocks you had to break. You might even have to worldedit a few hoppers because of the minecart. /minecart would make placing minecarts much easier for everyone.

I mean, I don’t do redstone, but I feel like typing the command would take longer than just getting one out of your inventory and placing it.
You can’t “just place it”. Placing minecart means breaking the stuff above where you want the minecart, getting a rail and minecart, place the rail and the minecart on a block above where you want it, break it, replace what you broke earlier, and then if you want a hopper going down into that minecart, you have to worldedit it above the minecart.
+1, and maybe also an option to chose if its a chest minecart or hopper minecart

+1! Only who does really advanced redstone knows the pain.

Though, how about /cart for minecarts with chest and /cart hopper for minecarts with hopper?

More like (mine)cart <normal|hopper|chest|tnt|default <type>> (also allows n/h/c/t) and the default options allows you to set which minecart you want to spawn when you use the blank command. Which defaults to normal until set I guess

Added in the 1.13 Update

  • /minecart [default] [type]