Kris_J Griefing

RedstonerBlames → Kris_J Griefing



Full username of the player you are reporting (ingame name) Kris_J


what happened exactly Kris_J got mad at us for not skyping him so he griefed my plot.

Failed attempts

What have you tried before posting Nothing??


If location is relevant, post a list of locations including World and x/y/z coordination or the plot owner and the plot number On my plot.


Time(span) of the incident. The date and time MUST be given in UTC time and MUST follow the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. 2014-November-11-8:40


Did any grief occur? If so, where? On my plot.


Please post video evidence/screenshots if available Can someone else confirm the issues you’re having.

Sorry but how do I post pics?

@MCtechnical go into formatting help in the top right bit of the text box and it says how you can post pictures and also yt videos. ill goto your plot though and see how bad it is and if u are telling the truth! :D

-update i couldn’t find anything that looked like it was griefed but if you have some good screenshots it will help

Hopefully he gets banned because I saw some of it too but i got no proof :/ and also he kept msging me stuff like “It was a joke” or “Give me another chance”

i can confirm that it was Kris_J with these images and after i found out i permabanned him

evidence#1 evidence#2 evidence#3 evidence#4

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