
RedstonerAppeals → Xemptfulgamer_


My ban was temporary for three days.

I was banned for stealing stuff.

I did not do anything wrong just look in chests.

What the redstoner staff have overlooked is that Endie stole the stuff ,i was just with him on a adventure he was going to a random person i don’t know’s house i looked in the chests to see what he was taking. He said he was on “Buisness” and took a bunch of stuff he then left the house and i did to i should not be banned as i did not do anything wrong but infact endie did.

I figured out who had done it by looking at LogBlock records of those chests. You both stole from them (although I will admit that Endie did take more).

Not only this, but even if you hadn’t taken anything, you failed to report to us that Endie had broken the rules, which you really should have done.

i did not know whos house it was it could have been his
i also do not recall stealing from him
I dont think it is his if he grabs so much stuff, besides you shouldve asked before you took stuff if it WAS his. I say keep the ban
i didint take the stuff burger did you even read what i wrote
I did read what you wrote, but did you read what pj wrote? I trust pj a bit more. Sorry?
i didnt take anything if i did take anything i put it back
also i said it could have been a friends house
Yes, “could” so you dont know do you now.
yes i dont know which is why i said could i would have reported him if i knew for sure
But if you didnt know for sure, why didnt you: A: ask B: not touch anything
for b i didnt touch anything for a i did ask and he just said he was doing “buisness” you would have known this if you had actually read what i wrote
  1. Logs dont lie. You did take something.
  2. I did read what you said. If you were unsure of his intention or from who it was, then why the hell would you take something. Dont deny you didnt take something. If logs say so it must be true.
the logs did NOT say i took anything pj said himself “Even if you didnt” this means that it did not say that i did i even told you if i did take anything (very rare) an endie told me not to take anything (kind of hypocritical) I do not think you should be trusting a command that doesent have a function to see if someone put somthing back
Hmm your not very good at reading are you, pj said that you did take something, but the other guy took more. Pj stated that IF you didnt take anything (which you did) you failed to report him. If you still understand. He made a scenario where you didnt take it. While the real case here is: you did take something
did you read this part? “Not only this, but even if you hadn’t taken anything”
and btw why would i try to get myself banned from a server i like so much
Yes that is the part i was quoting to, “even if you hadnt” is the part where pj made a scenario. Also idfk why you would get yourself banned? Sounds like something you’d know tbh
@Pepich1851 can you give your opinion if your online anyway
I said stop. I‘ll lock this thread immediately if any more replies like this come up.
im with burger on this but without the spam. i trust the logs if they say he stole.
omg did you even read what i said i put stuff back]

omg did you even read what i said

If the fucking logs say you stole, then i trust that shit. i dont give two damns about ur excuses tbh. if u didnt know whose stuff it was, u shouldnt be taking that stuff in the first place. if you have any fucking evidence you put stuff back then id love to see it, but im incredibly sure that logblock doesnt fuck that shit up. now stop trying to 1up everyone who says the ban is fair and provide any evidence you dont have to help ur case a bit.

ps: instead of having 10 different messages to get across your point, can u do it in like, one? maybe? kthxbai

on the ps because burger keeps trying to get me banned

All i’ve been trying to do is prove you wrong. Not even that. All i’ve been doing is stating the facts. If you’re too childish to

  1. Accept your ban
  2. Confess to what you did. Then sorry but i cant help you. Dont try to use excuses. Use real FACTS so that this issue can be solved.

I’m done here.

Locked due to spam. I warned you.
Read up on what happened, logblock doesn‘t lie. Combine that with how you behaved in this appeal. Closed

Apologies for replying when this is already closed, but I’d just like to say that

  1. LogBlock does tell you when things are put back. And you didn’t do that.

  2. The completely hypothetical scenario I created was actually to point out that you were even more in the wrong, so I wouldn’t go analysing it. What Burger said was actually correct.

And in future, like Pep said, behaving like this in an appeal thread will absolutely not help you (it’ll do the opposite, actually).

This thread is locked.