Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts make a right, and two Wrights make a plane.

RedstonerEntry requests for /lol → Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts make a right, and two Wrights make a plane.


First is a common saying, second is geometry of right angles, last is a reference to the Wright brothers.
I gotta admit I laughed pretty hard. +1 for sure.

I thought “3 lefts make a right” as a Rubik’s Cube reference. How turning a face three times to the left is basically one time to the right " U3 = U' "

Edit: forgot to put +1..

-1 I got it after the explanation. Not funny.

If u need to explain its bound to be bad. A lot of people (sadly) wont get it. -1

(Good joke though)

Y’all stupid if you need for it to be explained +1