Synergy Ban Appeal(For Zombachu) by giga003(RDomino, WowTheRD, R0B3R7)

RedstonerOther → Synergy Ban Appeal(For Zombachu) by giga003(RDomino, WowTheRD, R0B3R7)


This is a ban appeal for Zombachu or any of the staff members of Synergy since the website for Synergy doesn’t have a place for me to write an appeal. If you do not play on Synergy then this should not concern you unless you want to discuss this appeal with the staff members of Synergy.

Type of ban / demotion


Ban/Demotion reason


What I have done wrong

It has been a little longer than 3 years since I got banned but as I remember, I was playing around with someone and at one point my 11 year old idiot mind thought about spamming lava and water all over the place.

Why I should be unbanned

After 3 years of being banned, I actually look back on what I did and I wish I didn’t do that. I know that I was playing around but I shouldn’t have spammed liquids everywhere which was my mistake which I’m sorry for. To the people that played on Synergy 3 years ago, if I(Usernames:WowTheRD, R0B3R7) griefed you with liquid spam, I am sorry) I think it would be nice for me to get a fresh start with doing redstone on a server since I