When a Daylight Sensor, with water or leaves ontop of it, recieves sunlight (no matter what strengh), it saves the light and acts as a lamp, even when completely closed off
Archives → Problems & bugs → When a Daylight Sensor, with water or leaves ontop of it, recieves sunlight (no matter what strengh), it saves the light and acts as a lamp, even when completely closed off
What did you expect?
I expected the sunlight value to drop to 0 if i completely close off the room.
What actually happened?
The light stayed the value it was, due to the water+daylight sensor below it saving the light value and acting as a light source.
Do you see any sort of error message?
How can we reproduce this problem?
Has to be done in an area where there is sunlight: Dig a hole which is 4 blocks deep. Go inside it, press F3 and look at the Light:( sky)-value. It should say 15. Now place a daylight sensor at the bottom of the hole. Place a water block ontop of that. Place a block above you to close the hole off, so there is no more sunlight in it. Now check the Light-Sky-Value in F3. It should be 0. But it is 12.