On behalf of Lucas7yoshi (yoshi_gamer11)

RedstonerAppeals → On behalf of Lucas7yoshi (yoshi_gamer11)


Type of ban / demotion Permanent (3 years ago~) # Ban / Demotion reason Reason you were told or message shown when you ' re disconnected from the server

Banner for “Constant offenses, disrespect, caps, advertising” # What I have done wrong Going off of what i remember: Spamming Ignoring staff Advertising Attention Seeking Caps? # Why I should be unbanned / re-promoted From the time of the perm ban it has been roughly 3 years, over that time i have improved immensely. Primarily in maturity and the ability to listen to people when being told to do or not to do something. If i’m going to be honest i don’t have much other reason then that i have matured greatly between then and now (And also it has been 3 years~). I barely remember what i did and thats why i can’t be very detailed so, sorry about that.

I am greatly sorry for the harm i did cause to the server 3 years ago and to all the staff that had to deal with me.

If i’m given the time to prove it i would greatly greatly appreciate it.


Current In-game name: Lucas7yoshi i think i may of been banned with the name yoshi_gamer11?

Ok so I actually remember this and the like week or two I think leading up to his ban, as well as what he was like to some degree, and whilst I didn’t have much patience for people (still don’t lol) when he was banned (literally like 5 days from 3 years ago btw), I remember being particularly irritated by his presence, hence why he was banned, so I wasn’t completely sure about hearing him out, but after actually talking to him like human beings do from time to time, he seems pretty changed from his past self.

3 Years is a pretty long time for someone to be banned, especially when they were likely barely over a decade old when they were banned. Even going from age 12 to 13 people seem to mature a lot, myself included (I’m still a cunt though lol) and the way he presents himself definitely changed what I thought of him. Took me a while to even recognise his name from when he joined the discord due to him being several orders of magnitude less irritating from when I last saw the name.

Naturally, the discussion of “permenant bans aren’t even permenant any more because people are just forgiven” argument will arise. This argument’s a pretty difficult one, but generally I feel like with a game like minecraft, which does have a very young playerbase in lots of areas, the time of a person going from ~11 to ~14 is pretty significant, and enough to quanitfy considering retraction of a “permenant” punishment.

TL;DR: Leaning towards yes; I generally dislike the concept of permenant bans (apart from people who cheat in video games, fuck those people)

Naturally, the discussion of “permenant bans aren’t even permenant any more because people are just forgiven” argument will arise. This argument’s a pretty difficult one, but generally I feel like with a game like minecraft, which does have a very young playerbase in lots of areas, the time of a person going from ~11 to ~14 is pretty significant, and enough to quanitfy considering retraction of a “permenant” punishment.

Which is why we changed the policy on perm bans. If you were banned for chat offense and are banned for 2 years or longer (this is still up for change), we’ll actually consider lifting the ban if your appeal leaves the impression of a matured person.

I’m perfectly fine with an unban btw

The fact he came to the discord and acted so maturely there, asking for data deletion and how he could appeal I would be happy to unban him. I joined the server after he was banned though, so I don’t know what he was like.
I think from talking to him he deserves a second chance.

As apparently not all too many people care, I’ll just unban him.
