Items disappear in my and Wolfy's ec

ArchivesProblems & bugs → Items disappear in my and Wolfy's ec


My problem Today, I was searching for my turtle shell, that I farmed with a lot of pain, to apply Protection VI on it (*the book is in my ec if u want to check). I was sure that it was in my ec but not ! No turtle shell inside ! ==POOF== It disappear !! Nothing inside my ec.

Wolfy’s one Today too, my friend Wolfy lost 24 nautilus shells in the same way, I want to tamk about this too because it was 2 diamonds/1 nautilus shell, we spend 48 diamond sin that so if we can have them back it would be cool

Aber do you not know how enderchests work?
Also the same thing happened to me, all my shulker boxes in my enderchest got deleted
Talked with you on the server and told you why not