Changes to /afk <reason>

ArchivesFeature requests → Changes to /afk <reason>


What do you want

Make /afk <reason> update the reason without un-afk’ing the player.

Why do you think that it’s a good idea

That way, you can change the reason without appearing in chat, twice, as you have to un-afk first, and then re-afk.

MintyEdit: Merged from @KingIceCream’s request:

What feature do you want:

The ability to go afk without going unafk by doing stuff (ex: placing/breaking blocks) by doing /afk [reason] [affectedbymovement] (Ex: /afk AFK fishing false)

Why do you think it’s a good idea:

Many people in sv (I would also imagine tsv) go afk fishing, but they cannot do /afk because then they will go unafk because they are holding down the right-click button. Having this would allow people to actually go afk, instead of just being kicked due to not being afk

Was deployed a couple of days ago, solved.