Dynamic Map For The Redstoner Server?

ArchivesFeature requests → Dynamic Map For The Redstoner Server?


Hello. I was just wondering if there were any future plans to add a Dynamic Map(dynmap)to the Redstoner Server. I think it would add a new layer to the community with an advanced way to see where everyone is and will be a helpful guide to the new guests to see all the amazing builds built by the awesome workers.

If you don’t know what that is or want link to download:

Spigot: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynmap.274/ Bukkit: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dynmap/

Thank you for the server!


MintyEdit: Closed due to there being a more recent and more popular post about this

I believe the reason was due to the plugin being very CPU heavy. I’m not entirely sure, but something really stresses the server. Plus, it’ll take many hours to load the entire creative plot world into dynmap.

[…]the technical side of this, e.g. how stable is the plugin, does it cause lag, how can we add it to our website, […]

I can say that the plugin is incredibly stable as my friend has a server with this plugin. I use the plugin almost daily; it causes no lag. I don’t know how you can implement this to the website apart from adding a section which links you to the “website”.

what do others think?

I’m not entirely sure it would work. There is an option to chat on the plugin. I don’t know how or if there is a way to disable this, so there may be a problem in that.

My friend ran DynMap on a few of our servers, and we never saw an increase in lag or delay of any kind. I believe the set up is pretty straight forward like other plug-in’s, just with the additional addition to the website to have a user interface. Dico, I don’t know how big the creative world is right now, but I highly doubt it would take over an hour to add it all, unless you don’t know what you are doing. Idk,

Here is a link to some things it can do: http://plugins.bukkit.org/?q=dynmap&category=

Here is a DynMap from the Hatventures server: http://dynmap.server.hatventures.net/

thanks :)