Help with persuasive essay, need your thoughts about how Minecraft can be used in Educational manner

RedstonerOther → Help with persuasive essay, need your thoughts about how Minecraft can be used in Educational manner

Hello everyone, I’m doing a persuasive paper for my English class in college about how Minecraft can be used for education. I was wondering if you guys could post small, one sentence, explanations of something you guys may have learned from playing Minecraft that effects you in the real world. I will try to implement these in my essay for the “for-it” side of the argument. Also, if you have some concerns about how the game can degenerate the learning experience, please post those too, for the “against-it” side of the argument.

If you all would like, after I finish the essay (3-4 pages in length), I can post it on here for all you to read?

Thank you sleye3

P.S. The essay is due in 3 weeks as my final. If you do want to post a response, please do it before then. Thank you.

It did actually make me more creative and made me solve problems faster and easier.

There is one problem and that is that some people can use to much time on it so they don’t do the homework or schoolwork they need to.

Much geometry, such wow