About Tatl_Tael demotion

RedstonerCommunity vote → About Tatl_Tael demotion


Here is a strawpoll asking you what do you think about the tatl demotion from the trusted rank. I’m just curious to know what are the player’s opinions
I can’t tell you something because I don’t know too much Talt
I really don’t think that this strawpoll is necessary, people can say how they feel about it by replying to the appropriate thread.
@Max343 I feel that you do not understand the difference between the other post and this one. The other is done to be able to collect information which could lead to a possible repromotion of the player, or not. Besides, Futsy said it himself: “Please do not reply unless you have something to add to the appeal, and not just random things that does not add anything to the appeal itself”. In short, it is not a simple forum where we can answer +1 or -1. On this one it is precisely to be able to answer random things that would not necessarily bring useful informations about the case. That’s why it is a simple community vote. I used Google translate so do not pay attention to possible small errors :P
In addition the quote of Futsy is addressed to people having given their opinion. They couldn’t do it on the official forum so a new one was needed, hence this one