Off topic → Programming → Python
This could sound kinda stupid, but I need help with python. I want to know how exactly to make a good working program with it. I checked out but the start is basically all printing. Could anyone show me an example? And yes, I checked out pigglypops’s example
- Get a raspi
- Set it up ^
- Use GPIO on the raspi
- Make a basic skeleton of a program
- Make a bunch of flashing lights
It totally depends though; do you have any previous programming experience or are you starting off with python?
No, I’m just starting, my goal is at least to make a simple game
You can check or watch some vids.
I learned at most of the languages i know.
Check out codacademy like @djbwx said but you can also check out
Tkinter is api for python similar to game but most of it is already in python so you don’t need to download it. I know this is a necropost but it is valid and useful information
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