what is this???????

RedstonerOther → what is this???????

So i was flying around and looking at plots and i found these “bed-plot”’s: ?1? ?2? ?3? Everyone is Denyed from them BUT i can glich inside of them for a split secund and see that the owner is: SERVER. my guess is that means that someone typed /p auto in the server console but why? why does these plot’s exist and why are them made in bedrock ??? my guess is its Dico That experimanted but i am not sure, just wanted to know!

Cordinates: -5061 65 1




@Mothership_Q made those for a redstonewars competition thingy… Never finished them.

Hi, I created these a few months ago for a competition I was planning on hosting. Unfortunately my time got eaten up by uni and other things so I never got the opportunity to use them. I should be back in action soon though! Semester just finished yesterday, so I have some more time to dedicate to the server now.

Moved to Redstoner-Other tab.

Hi, I created these a few months ago for a competition I was planning on hosting. Unfortunately my time got eaten up by uni and other things so I never got the opportunity to use them. I should be back in action soon though! Semester just finished yesterday, so I have some more time to dedicate to the server now. . Moved to Redstoner-Other tab. - Mothership_Q

but they kind of aginst the rules:

8 . Refrain from building walls around your plot. (Very annoying when you fly over a plot)

I can understand that youre a mod and so, but if youre not useing them, remove the walls then, just a simple marking and //walls 0

Just saying.
