
RedstonerBlames → 787rock



“787rock” (Builder Rank)


I got onto the server to check some doors on my plot. 787rock and some other dude were making a “stip pool”. Then he started saying somewhat inappropriate stuff into the chat, I asked him to please stop and so did others as well. Then he went into saying fuck excessively plus dick a few times, and CAPS like crazy. What really put my off, was when he spammed the chat with AFK’s.

Failed attempts

There were no Administrators/Moderators or Helpers on during the indecent. I tried multiple times, as well with others in asking for him to please stop.


N/A (chat)


About from 04:40-04:50 on 2014-12-20


Just of his own intelligence.


picture 1 picture 2 picture 3 picture 4

I do not want to be known as a dude who just goes and reports people because I am “childish” and can’t “handle it”. I genuinely thought this was annoying to a report level and so did Flubber_MC (the highest rank on the server at the time) who asked if I was going to report it. Thank you guys for taking your time to read this.



Tempbanned for abusing afk listing. Justice has been served.

Locked yo

This thread is locked.