I got a Plot twist ?!?

ArchivesProblems & bugs → I got a Plot twist ?!?


So i joined redstoner today and my plot’s was twisted, if i typed /p h i got to my second plot, if i typed /p h:2 i got to my first plot. why did this happen ???




Its a bug in plotme, it will be fixed when we update the server to 1.8

Can a mod lock this? Please no body reply because I hate it when I get emails that are about irrlavent topics. (I don’t mind staff doing the things like locking.

Oh and this shouldnt be here


JK im not haxor

What. Did. I. Say.

Boo hoo.

Duplicate thread indeed! See this thread right here, sheep explains exactly what causes the issue.

Locked and moved to correct subforum

This thread is locked.