add banner / signature space!

ArchivesWebsite feature requests → add banner / signature space!


I wonder if you guys could add a way to automatcly add banners, stamps and userbars to a forum posts. like this:




This allows image/iframe exploitation and advertizing and malvertizing so i think its no

Redstoner’s Pikachu! replied: This allows image/iframe exploitation and advertizing and malvertizing so i think its no




Well… if there are banners that are iframes, it can download malicious programs

I’m going to reiterate something I said on the sponge forums.

Text signatures never really add anything to the discussion and most times are used only for advertising or something silly. On top of that they usually take up like 30%-40% of the thread from sites I’ve seen that have them.

So no, I don’t think we should have them.

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